Quincho, the perfect celebrity selfie partner!

Hotel Bougainvillea-Your home away from home
July 19, 2017

Quincho, the perfect celebrity selfie partner!


No visit to the Hotel Bougainvillea is complete without a photo op with our resident celebrity, Quincho. Rain or shine, he can always be found in the botanical garden taking a load off his tired feet. He’s happy to make space for you on his bench, and he’s a great listener no matter what language you speak.


Wearing his typical “chonete” hat and traditional garb, Quincho accurately portrays the quintessential Costa Rican “campesino,” the farmer who works the land and raises the livestock. His rough hands, lined face, and bare feet call to mind a hard life of long days in the fields.


Yet, this humble man holds his head high, satisfied with the eternal prestige and esteem of his country, as he is described in Costa Rica’s national anthem. Quincho doesn’t say much, but then he doesn’t need to; he’s earned a place of honor in this garden that’s been his home for over 20 years.


Quincho is a life-size sculpture that often startles guests when they first happen upon him, but within moments they are usually smiling and talking to him. He seems to have a curious ability to draw people to him. For some, he is a mere novelty, but for many others, he is a reminder of their roots, a symbol of the heart and soul of this country they hold so dear.


Sculptor Luis Castillo created a number of the sculptures that grace the hotel property, and he brought the “campesino” as a temporary display. After a month of having him in the garden however, hotel owner don Hans Van der Wielen knew the place just wouldn’t be the same without him.


In addition, one of our long time employees was enthralled at the physical similarity between the sculpture and her own father, don Joaquín, who was known as Quincho. And thus, Quincho acquired his name while becoming a distinguished member of the Bougainvillea family.


We love seeing how much our visitors enjoy spending time with Quincho, and how many photographs he appears in. In fact if you’re looking for the perfect spot to capture a Bougainvillea memory, look no further--Quincho is the perfect selfie partner!